2010. február 27., szombat

The sea - making a sea and magical seaside

My kid hasn't met the sea yet. Hasn't seen it, hasn't tasted.
But in the bedtime stories he heard about it. With castles giants and everything of course.

When he was maybe two (or less) and started to paint  with big brushes i decided to make him a special, colorful and magical see with ships castles frogs (i know, frogs don't like salty water but i became a kid myself too making it and as you know in the world of kids there is no place for REASON and FACTS at the age of two).

So i bought some wooden sticks, paint, brushes and castles and ships and balls and frogs and horses (styropor) and for the colorful spiral things some rubber(plastic) sheets.

There was no need of scissors and glue.
My son painted some of the balls and frogs himself, and it was a real adventure place them in the garden of his grandma.
The old basin became the sea itself.

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