My son adores paints, brushes, papers (of different colours) so it was obvious to try them at the age of one.
Kids like mixing colours so i used tempera paints (the base colours, not more : red, blue, yellow) and different papers of different sizes. Pour some of the paints into plastic plates and prepare a kerchife made of textil (a useless, small shirt can be perfect too) and water. First you have to show how it works so paint lines or simple circles of one colour on the paper than give a brush to the kid. Importaint to explain all the time what you are doing and why to make the children understand what he sould do with the unknown things.
(Look, these are paints and we are going to paint a nice circle on the white paper. Which colour wold you like? Red? That is nice! Look, i put the brush first into the water, just a bit, than into the red paint. Look, i can also make circles in the paint. Than i put the brush onto the paper - look it's red colour on the paper and i'm making a nice circle.)
First time you should guide the tiny hands with yours but as time goes by (months) the moves will be so sure that there will be no need of help.
At first you should try handpainting, as well. The first big picture i did with my son was a picture of santa. I used 6 papers of the same size. 3 of them were the sky so my son painted them blue (with hands!) 2 were christmas tree, so all the paper were green (from top to the bottom) and the last one was santa itself with red handpaint on the paper. I helped with a black colour to draw the eyes and the stocks of the trees and i glued the papers into one huge picture (with cello tape).
With older kids you can make a picture of an angel or santa claus.
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